Things that you know before start a blogging career - Teach Guru

 7 Things Most People Don't Know About Blogging And Before start Blogging You Need To know! -


How to increase organic traffic to your blog? Which are best strategies of SEO? How to monetize your blog? How to skyrocket your email subscribers list? How to grow your business with Pinterest? How to become an influencer of Instagram? How to create viral content for your blog?

Well, almost all searchable queries added in the beginning. Hope this time our post can be visible and have popular keywords.

Every blogger in this world would understand why these lines are of such a great importance!

If you are a writer and not a blogger, read this. And if you are a blogger, you will really feel this post!!!

Every profession has side effects. And blogging is no difference. Blogging does some really insane changes in your overall personality.

Let’s start with 6 crazy things happens to you when you start writing a blog.

*Before Start Learn how to start Blogging in free And earn adsense money.

*How to get traffic on blog.

*How to Monetize you're Blog. easy steps 

What is called a blogger’s life!!! See Below!!

1. METIME becomes a true luxury you won’t have easily accessible.

   Before starting blogging, you might have enjoyed a lot of time to self-pamper yourself. Spent much time in leisure activities. But after starting blogging, the table turns around. The story changes drastically! Now, you will start struggling each day to try all the new things you are learning. Running with the clock to check-off the tasks list you have created.

You are busy drafting a new article which you think will be your most viral post. Every minute is counted. You can’t write one day and have a cup of coffee to see results.

With the ever-changing interest of people, you have to think out of the box on continuous bases. You are striving for a new blog post which everyone would like to read. A great content idea which could become viral. We all are endeavoring to get success.

It’s a myth that Blogging is just writing. You have to frantically promote too. You have to make a good schedule and marketing strategy to reach on the first page of Google among a plethora of other articles on the same topic. So blogging is a full-time job and you have to optimally use every minute.

2. Mobile becomes a love of your life.

   You never ever thought that mobile is now the most precious possession in your life. Just ask a blogger what mobile means to them.

It’s like heart-beat of any blogger. Your whole work is handled by this tiny device. You will start looking like cellphone addicted.

People will gaze at you. But it’s your work and you have to do it. So if you start blogging just be prepared to answer this question: what is doing all the time on your phone?

3. Your Real problems are not Real people around you.

   Before starting a blog, you had the different set of problems like quarreling neighborhood aunties, the guy staring at you for more than 15 minutes, your friend had a break-up and many such more.

But after starting a blog, you will realize that those problems don’t actually bother you anymore. They just seat around in the remotest corner of your mind where you will never give a single look. Now, the greatest problems in your life are “traffic on your blog” and “monetizing your blog”.

You don’t have enough time to gossip with others. What people are talking about you doesn’t matter to you as you are busy checking google analytics all the time. The big zero in your Google Adsense account is more depressing than no one appreciating your dress or your new look.

4. You start talking to yourself.

  This one is really insane. All the time you are just thinking about a new content idea. Thinking about your schedule of posting. How you wanna promote your latest article? Your mind keeps thinking 24*7 about what to do next.

This might lead you to be somewhat unconscious about surroundings. People might think that you have a little crack in your mind. They may guess you are having some mental health issues in your life.

5. You start making virtual relationships.

  You will find your readers and clients through your blog. They can see your work and you are managing the whole of your business online – virtually.

A call or a meeting is equal to your single mail conversation. You must know how to communicate virtually. Have to be so specific while writing as you can’t say “I am sorry, I didn’t mean this” after sending a mail each time. Your conversation should be crystal clear.

As a newbie in blogging, you must join blogging groups on Facebook. No matter how much great bloggers dissing about these groups. Why? Will discuss that in the next point. So after interacting over blogging groups, you can make new friends. Friends who do what you like to do. Friends who might be as clueless as you are. Friends who can help you. So it’s not only reader or client you will find you can make some real friends over here.

6. You need a daily motivation.

It’s not about one day you wake up and think you will start a blog. Blogging is a real struggle. The more you do it, the more you know it. It’s quite hard to run a successful and money making blog.

Every time you see someone made x amount of $$ in just a few months, it hurts. You can start taking yourself not too intelligent or maybe not too lucky. Many leave this as they are not motivated to run more.

Every day you post a blog and wait for the day when thousands of people read it. Actually, the numbers are making you frustrated.

Every other day, you have to begin with a fresh start. So if you start blogging, do at least one thing which lights up your spirit. It can be anything a music, reading, TEDx Talk, Podcast, anything. But have something that will provide you enough motivation daily.

So my dear reader, after 1 year of blogging, there is one thing I want to say “Blogging is not easy”. You have to work each day, each moment to keep your blog up. But blogging has its own charm. Once you step into this, it’s really hard to just give up so easily.

Before blogging, you usually scroll down various articles and now you actually read them. Because you know the hard work behind each blog post. Still, people don’t like to call you a writer. A blogger is a writer who works more on single page article.

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